Arts in Character

Arts in Character

How has art impacted your life? For me, I grew up dancing, drawing, playing instruments, and even modeling. Art has become my passion and an outlet for my creativity. It has also led me to meet new people, join inspirational communities, and shape my character. Throughout my artistic journey over the years, I have learned to persevere through the process of making mistakes and seeing gradual improvements. Most importantly, art has allowed me to see the beauty in the world, and I hope to give back to the community with what art has given me. By offering nonprofit dance and visual arts lessons, I hope to provide everyone the opportunity to learn and develop their passion for the arts. Through teaching, I also encourage donations to the “Combatting COVID-19” fundraiser that I founded for Southwestern Medical Center, or to WE ARE ALL HOMELESS (WAAH) which is a project started by SMU Meadow School of Arts professor Willie Baronet and I’m currently involved. Please click on the “Booking a Class” page to read more about the fundraiser or make a donation.


Ballet, classical Chinese dance, and Contemporary are the primary styles of dance that I focus on. Currently, I offer group dance lessons at XJ Star Dance School as well as private lessons.

Arts and Drawing

I have experience with a variety of visual art medias, including pencil, charcoal, oil paints, acrylics, pastel, scratchboard, to name a few. I am also offering private visual arts lessons.

Leadership and Community Service

As a leader in my community, I hope to make a difference by organizing volunteer events in addition to helping others with my artistic talents.

COVID-19 Changes

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, everyone has had to adapt in different ways. Read more to find out how I have adapted to this unprecedented event in terms of teaching lessons.